Improve fat digestion with herbs

Improve fat digestion with herbs

For decades most people have believed that eating low fat was the healthy choice. Now, finally this myth is being overturned. We now know that certain fats can make a contribution to a healthy diet. People are changing their food habits and are adding back foods with...
How to get rid of bloating

How to get rid of bloating

This is the second part in a series of posts. The first article covered What causes bloating, and this one follows up with how to get rid of bloating. Though relieving the symptom of bloating is important, as with many chronic health concerns to make a permanent...
Do you have a leaky gut?

Do you have a leaky gut?

The digestive tract is responsible for the digestion and absorption of nutrients from our food. This involves the movement of digested food molecules through a porous intestinal lining and into the circulation. This means that to absorb nutrients we must always to...

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