Stop cold sores coming back

Stop cold sores coming back

Cold sores are the result of a very common and persistent infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. We recognise the infection as small blisters that usually occur on the lips or around the mouth. These blisters or sores can be painful, with burning or itching,...
Soak nuts for better digestion

Soak nuts for better digestion

Nuts are full of healthy fats, protein, vitamins and minerals. They have the potential to be very nutritious foods. Yet for some people they can be difficult to digest. They are difficult to digest because all nuts are edible seeds. Given the right conditions every...
Why a low fat diet is not the way to go

Why a low fat diet is not the way to go

It’s not surprising that sometimes people get confused about the healthiest way to eat, whether it’s a low fat diet or low carb or something else. There are far too many contradictory messages in the media about the healthiest type of diet. But, as I’ve been telling...

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